This Easter drama follows the traditional Easter story from Palm Sunday to Jesus resurrection. Written specially for a large cast this play is ideal for school and youth group performance.
Jesus, Peter, Judas, Soldier, High Priest, Herod, Mary, Joseph, Magdalene, Salome, Joanna, John, Pilate, Witness, Woman, Man 1, Man 2, Person 1, Person 2, Person 3
Length: 10 - 12 Minutes
Cast: 12 - 23 (Various male and female combinations possible. See character list for details)
Price: $15 (Buy once, download, and then print as many copies as you need for your actors).
Lights up. Two people enter excitedly with palm branches, a third follows
Person 3: What's happening?
Person 1: Haven't you heard?
Person 2: Jesus is coming into Jerusalem.
Person 1: (Looking off) There he is! (Calls, waves palm) Hosanna!
Person 2: (Calls) Blessed is the King of Israel!
Person 3: Will he be Israel's new King?
Person 1: Why else is he coming into Jerusalem?
Person 2: Look at how the people are worshipping him.
Person 1: He is the Lord's anointed. (Calls) Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord!
Person 2: From David's line. (Calls) Hosanna to the son of David!
Person 3: Praise God. (Calls) Hosanna in the highest! This is a great day. (Crossfade)
Jesus and disciples sitting at a table, eating, talking. Jesus takes a loaf of bread, and prays quietly, the disciples quieten down. He breaks it.
Jesus: Take this and eat; this is my body (Bread is passed solemnly around. He takes a cup). Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. (They pass cup around, a little confused) I will be with you only a short time longer.
Peter: Where are you going, Lord? I will come with you. In fact, I will lay down my life for you!
Jesus: No Peter. In fact, tonight you will three times deny knowing me. Listen, all of you, let me give you a new command; love one another. Love one another in the same way I have loved you. That is how everyone will know that you are my disciples. Come, I need to pray.
...the script continues.
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